Saturday, March 29, 2008

Well it started 14 years age when I was introduced to Alice. I was only a baby but I knew that she was my grandmother. Over the years she has taught me most of the stuff that I learned. I have learned all about life, how to study for tests, and even dress. Some people think that you have to really study for tests, but Alice has taught me that you mostly just use your common sense to pick out the right answer. She told me all the secrets that I have to know to live a happy life, like always believe in yourself. And even now she teaches me stuff. I have many outfits that I have gotten from Alice over the years. Even if Alice is a little out of style is simply because she has a hard time matching what looks good together. Alice is my friend, the smartest person I know, and the best grandma a child could have.
-Jade Leicht